Survey: Readers’ perception of the author’s voice in photo essay

Dear colleagues,

Happy new year! We are conducting a study to understand how readers construct the writer’s voice in multimodal text (i.e., photo essays). We would love to invite you to take a short online survey.

If you are currently teaching college-level writing courses (broadly defined), you are eligible to participate in this study. In the Qualtrics survey you will

  • Read five photo essays (around 300-400 words each) created by students
  • Rank them in terms of the salience of voice in each sample
  • Justify your ranking in writing (this is optional)
  • Provide your demographic information

Completing the online survey will take approximately 15 minutes. A consent form with details of your participation and your rights as a participant is included here.

If you are interested, please click this link to complete the online survey.

This research is conducted by a team made of Xiao Tan (Duke University), Chaoran Wang (Colby College), and Wei Xu (University of Arizona). If you have any questions, please contact Xiao Tan (xiao.tan) or Chaoran Wang (chaowang)

Thank you very much for your time!


Xiao (on behalf of the research team)


Xiao Tan, Ph.D.

Lecturer at Thompson Writing Program | Duke University

Associate Chair | Second Language Writing Standing Group at CCCC

Associate Editor of Activities and Assignments Archive | Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing

Student Member of the Editorial Board | Journal of Second Language Writing

Durham, NC 27708