Volunteer: 4Cs Spokane seeking volunteers

Greetings all,

I’m reaching out as the Local Arrangements Chair for 4Cs Spokane, happening the first week of April 3-6, 2024.

As the LAC, I am looking for volunteers in general and a Registration and Volunteers s sub-chair.

The registration and volunteer chair will do pretty much what I am doing with this message, reaching out and recruiting volunteers to help set up, help with attendee check-in, help tally attendance in sessions and the like. Roughly 25 volunteers are needed, some of which I have already lined up.

Anyone who puts in eight hours of volunteer time, before or during the conference, has their registration paid for. That’s $225 for CCCC members, $255 for NCTE but non-CCCC members, $310 for non-NCTE members, and $110 for part-time faculty.

If you are able and willing to help with either of these, sub-chair or volunteer, please let me know. We are not yet in a time crunch, but I’m hoping to avoid that. If you have any questions, I’m more than happy to answer.

My best to you all and hope to see you in Spokane for a great CCCC!

Bradley Bleck

English Dept

Spokane Falls CC

Spokane, WA