Job: Seeking AWAC Communications Content Manager


Apply to become the next AWAC Communications Content Manager
Deadline: January 30, 2024
Is Writing Across the Curriculum important to you in your current position or your aspirational endeavors? Are you interested in how social media and other communication media can work to both build and represent an international academic organization? Consider applying for AWAC’s Communications Content Manager position!

Duties include:

  • Serving on the AWAC Communications Committee and assisting the group in thinking through, and implementing, a sustainable social media plan, which includes expanding AWAC’s presence and publicizing the work of AWAC on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn
  • Attending 1 virtual AWAC Communications Committee meeting per month
  • Posting to our social media channels on a modest timeline, including engaging with responses as they come up within reason
  • Distributing emails to AWAC membership using MailChimp in consultation with the Communications Committee and Executive Committee
  • Working closely with the chair(s) of the AWAC Communications Committee, the AWAC website manager, and the AWAC Executive Board

We hope that the experience of building a digital social presence will be worthwhile for potential applicants. The ideal candidate can develop creative social media content and interactions with the public while remaining apolitical in representations of the AWAC organization. This one-year position starts at the beginning of January 2024 and comes with a $1000 honorarium. The expected term may be renewed.

To apply, please send a brief letter of application and a current CV to AWAC Communications Committee Chair, Crystal Fodrey, at fodreyc with the subject “AWAC Communications Content Manager” by November 28. All members of the WAC community are encouraged to apply.
