Nominate: Carolinas WPA Board Member Nomination

We wish you a wonderful start to a new year. Carolinas WPA currently has two vacancies on the board we need to fill, and we’re holding calls for nominations now through Monday, January 22nd. At-Large representatives for both North and South Carolina are open. Descriptions for the At-Large seat can be found our website bowerss or Kevin Brock (brockkm2). These are two year positions and come with membership on the Executive Board as well. The board typically meets twice a year, at our fall conference at Wildacres and again in the February or March Meeting in the Middle conference held in Charlotte each year. On occasion, we may need to meet virtually at other points in the year, but those instances are rare.

Following the close of the nomination period on January 22nd, voting will be held virtually.

We hope you consider joining us on the board!

In gratitude,


Shawn Bowers (she/her/ella)

Assistant Professor, English Department

Program Director, First-Year Writing

President, Carolinas Writing Program Administrators | 1900 Selwyn Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28274

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