Nominate: Exemplary WAC Program Awards: 2024 Call for Nominations

Dear all,

The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and the WAC Clearinghouse invite nominations for the 2024 Exemplary WAC Program Awards. The Exemplary WAC Program Awards series recognizes the extraordinary achievements of WAC directors and/or administrative teams to establish, maintain, and sustain programs that foster and facilitate exemplary engagement with writing across the curriculum at their institution, as well as institutional commitments to support these achievements. Three awards will be issued each award cycle, corresponding with the years dedicated to program building:

  • Award for Exemplary Emerging WAC Program (1-5 years)
  • Award for Exemplary Established WAC Program (6-10 years)
  • Award for Exemplary Enduring WAC Program (11+ years)

Any program that works toward the broadly-shared goals identified in the Statement of WAC Principles and Practices is eligible to apply. Programs that focus on specific academic levels (such as a program designed for graduate students) or disciplines (such as a program supporting specifically business communication) or that work toward these goals without being named a “WAC program” (such as a writing center) are also eligible to apply. Both peer and self nominations are encouraged.

Nomination Process:

  • To nominate a peer, please submit the program’s name, the name of the program’s administrators, institution, e-mail contact information, and a brief justification. The Review Committee will reach out to the candidate to ask for supporting materials.
  • To self-nominate, please submit the full application through the WAC Clearinghouse’s submission portal.


  • To submit a PEER nomination: March 1
  • To submit a SELF nomination: May 1
  • For peer-nominated programs to send in supplemental materials: May 1

Award winners will be announced via email in June 2024 and recognized at IWAC in 2025.

Learn more here


Lindsey, on behalf of the 2024 Review Committee

Lindsey Harding, Ph.D. [she/her]

UGA Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, Director of the Writing Intensive Program

The Writing Across the Curriculum Clearinghouse, Associate Publisher for Resources

Author, PILGRIMS 2.0