Job: VAP position in Writing and Communication at Oberlin

Hi folks,
The Writing and Communication Department at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time non-continuing faculty position in the College of Arts and Sciences. Appointment to this position will be for a term of one year, and will carry the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor.

The incumbent will teach a total of five courses. These courses will serve a new major in Communication Studies and electives within the department. We are looking for someone with interest and experience in teaching such courses as digital and multimodal communication, visual communication, argument and inquiry, and courses that situate writing, rhetoric, and communication within cultural and political contexts. We would also value someone with an interest in teaching introductory college writing courses.

More info here.
Thanks, all!

L. H. McMillin (she/her)
Professor and Chair, Writing and Communication
Director of the Writing Associates Program