Participate: Recruiting Anti-Racist TPC Allyship Network Participants

Happy MLK Day! [sorry for the delay in forwarding this message —traci]

We are researchers at University of Washington, Tacoma, and University of Dayton working on a CPTSC-sponsored research project about building a research-informed allyship network for anti-racist TPC scholars. As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King on such a special day, we’re writing to invite junior researchers in the field of TPC, including graduate students and junior faculty, to participate in this project.

Being tenured BIPOC women faculty ourselves, we had experienced racial biases and microaggressions as we developed our research and teaching careers, and we’re still fighting against these obstacles in our own institutions. COVID-19 disrupted an already divisive global world into an even further divided one, and recent years has witnessed more resistance towards anti-racism advocacy work. Such circumstances are exacerbated for us TPC faculty and graduate students, since many of us are housed in a small program or are the only people in our specialty, which is even harder to gain support and endorsement at the pivotal career moments.

This project has two dimensions:

  • Research: Conducting a qualitative research project that studies and disseminates best practices and effective strategies of doing anti-racist work with resilience in the TPC field.

  • Community-engaged activism: Building an allyship career network for TPC scholars who are passionate about fighting against structural racism and inequities through a community of practice of researching resilience strategies together.

As a research participant, you will

  1. share three names of role models from the TPC field you’d like to interview, with brief statements why you chose them.

  2. conduct an hour-long qualitative interview with your matched role model. Semi-structured interview questions will be provided.

  3. create a 500-word written reflection or a 2-3 minute video to highlight the insights you learn from the interview

You will receive a $25 gift card upon completion of the tasks above.

If you are interested, please contact us at your earliest convenience or by Jan. 31. Please feel free to forward this to your colleagues and friends.

Email us if you would like further information to decide.

Project Website:

Thank you for your consideration!

Huatong Sun | htsun

Professor of Digital Media and Global Design

Xiaoli Li | xli002

Associate Professor of Professional and Technical Writing

(Note: This project has been funded through a DEI research grant from CPTSC.)

Xiaoli Li, MBA, PhDA button with "Hear my name" text for name playback in email signature

Associate Professor of Professional and Technical Writing
English Department | University of Dayton
HM 211
300 College Park Ave
Dayton, Ohio 45469
Chair | International Committee | Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC)李晓黎/