New: Nonnative English-Speaking Teachers of U.S. College Composition: Exploring Identities and Negotiating Difference (Book)

Hi Folks,

I’m pleased to share the news that another new open-access book has been added to the WAC Clearinghouse ( This book appears in the International Exchanges on the Study of Writing book series, which is edited by Steven Fraiberg, Joan Mullin, Magnus Gustafsson, and Terry Myers Zawacki.

Nonnative English-Speaking Teachers of U.S. College Composition: Exploring Identities and Negotiating Difference

Edited by Mariya Tseptsura and Todd Ruecker

Featuring the voices of 22 linguistically and geographically diverse authors from a variety of institutional contexts throughout the United States, this edited collection calls attention to the experiences of an important and growing group of writing instructors: those who have learned English as an additional language. Focusing on this critical part of the growing linguistic and cultural diversity of writing programs and classrooms, the contributors to his collection deepen our understanding of an important but relatively unexamined aspect of U.S. writing instruction. By exploring ways that writing programs can build on the strengths that multilingual students and teachers bring to the classroom, this collection offers promising strategies for creating more inclusive writing programs.

You can find the book at This book, like other books published by the Clearinghouse, will be available in a print edition from University Press of Colorado in the coming months. Thanks to Mariya and Todd for their work on the book and for their decision to share it with us as an open-access publication. Thanks as well to the anonymous peer reviewers who contributed to its development.

All the best,


Mike Palmquist

Publisher, The WAC Clearinghouse

Professor of English

University Distinguished Teaching Scholar

Colorado State University

Email: Mike.Palmquist