Survey: Tutor Perceptions of Linguistic Justice


My name is Faith Thompson and I am a third year doctoral student at Salisbury University. I would like to invite writing center tutors to participate in my research study to explore how university writing center peer and professional tutors conceptualize linguistic justice and how tutors understand it to impact their work at writing centers. This study seeks to elevate tutor voice and perspective on an important issue of equity at writing centers and in academia at large, and to contribute to antiracist writing center scholarship.

If you are a writing center director, please forward this recruitment invitation to your staff.

Tutors may participate if they area current university writing center peer, graduate, or professional tutor, are above 18 years old, and have learned about linguistic justice through professional development, including tutor training and preparation courses.

As a participant, they will be asked to participate in a 30-60 minute Zoom interview with me between January and March. This interview will take place outside of work hours, and is in no way associated with a specific writing center.

There are no direct benefits to participation, but this study does provide the opportunity to reflect on one’s own work as a tutor and to discuss with others how linguistic justice plays a role in your work. There are minimal risks to participation, including possible discomfort with the topics and potential breach of confidentially; however, no personally identifying information is collected in this study. Participation is voluntary, and will not effect your relationship with Salisbury University or your home institution.

To participate in this study, please contact me at fsears1 to receive a consent form. Your email address will not be collected.

If you have any adverse effects or concerns about the research, please contact the primary investigator Faith Thompson at fsears1, Dr. Melissa Bugdal at mebugdal, or the Office of Graduate Studies and Research at Salisbury University at 410-548-3549 or toll free 1-888-543-0148. This research is approved by the Salisbury University’s IRB under protocol number #280.

Thank you for your consideration,

Faith Thompson, M.A.T. (She/Her)
Ed.D student in Literacy Studies
Salisbury University
Graduate Editorial Assistant

Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy