Nominate: Carolinas WPA Board

Hello all –

I hope your neck of the woods is dry and sunny, although that’s not the current weather in Charlotte.

This email is a gentle reminder that we are currently accepting nominations for the executive board of Carolinas WPA. Currently, we have 2 spots open: one for SC representative-at-large, and one rep-at-large for NC. You can read more about these positions here. Board – Carolinas Writing Program Administrators ( Please email any questions or nominations to me.

Also, Meeting in the Middle is just around the corner and we’d love to have you join us. This one-day conference is a great opportunity for networking, recalibrating, testing new ideas, rehearsing presentations for national conferences (4Cs, we’re looking at you!), and just connecting with good friends across the Carolinas who get the work we do. Registration for the event, which is on Friday, February 9th is open here: Meeting in the Middle – Carolinas Writing Program Administrators ( It’s a BOGO event, so invite a friend to tag along!

As always, I’m ever grateful for this community, and I hope to see you next month!


Shawn Bowers (she/her/ella)

Assistant Professor, English Department

Program Director, First-Year Writing

President, Carolinas Writing Program Administrators | 1900 Selwyn Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28274

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