CFP: Submit a Program Profile to Composition Forum

Dear Colleagues,

The team at Composition Forum welcomes new “Program Profiles” editors to the journal: Dr. Holland Prior, Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition at Point Loma Nazarene University, and Dr. Joe Wilson, Assistant Professor of Composition and Literacy at Syracuse University. We also want to thank our outgoing Program Profiles editors, Dr. Crystal Fodrey and Christopher Shosted, for their incredible editorial work for the journal.

Currently, we are seeking submissions to the Program Profiles section for our spring and fall issues. Program Profiles discuss the ways in which theories, research, and pedagogies shape individual college writing programs and inform programmatic initiatives. More information about the conventions of this genre and submission guidelines are available on our website.

We define writing programs capaciously. We encourage profiles from programs serving students at any stage in their academic careers. Additionally, we encourage program profiles in contexts where the term “Writing Program” may not fully describe the writing work of the institution, such as in some transnational contexts.

Please feel free to contact the new Program Profiles editors with any questions:

Holland Prior (hprior)

Joe Wilson (jwilso56)

Best wishes,

Shane (on behalf of the Program Profile Editors)