Job: FT English Instructor/Assistant Professor (TT) at Georgia Highlands College

Greetings, all!

Short version:
We are very thankful at Georgia Highlands College for another chance to fill a faculty line (positing can be found cgrimm! Posted starting salary is $45,000 for a 10 month, 5/5 contract with some chance for summer courses and/or semester overloads as needed.

TL;DR version:
We are a small, primarily two-year degree granting institution northwest of the greater Atlanta area, and we have made some really great strides as a school and department in the past few years:

  1. We continue to revise our composition program, currently focusing primarily on the co-requisite support course.
  2. We created a Writing Center from scratch and just this January hired a new dedicated coordinator for it from a previous course release offer.
  3. Our School of Humanities Dean is a creative writer, and our English and Spanish Chair has a rhet/comp background and is currently studying comm and design.
  4. Our student newspaper, The Six Mile Post, has recently added podcasting to its already great history.
  5. Our newly established Film program has close ties to the Rome International Film Festival and the Georgia Film Consortium.
  6. Our School of Humanities has been working towards establishing area partners for internships.
  7. Our college has developed a creative writing conference, the Highlands Writers Conference, which has drawn a lot of positive attention from area literacy and creative writing groups (and might make a lovely reason to visit the area if you’re interested in learning more about our college and department!).
  8. Our Brother2Brother and GHAME programs have distinguished our college for the successful retention and completion of programs by minority males.

The position will be based in Rome, which is the home to a couple of private colleges (Berry and Shorter) and has seen tremendous growth in the arts lately. It is not far from the Atlanta area, and it has a host of natural areas for the outdoors types. We also just this fall restarted, along with a few colleagues from other Georgia schools, the TYCA-Georgia chapter and have been growing our ties with the regional TYCA-SE.

For questions about Visa issues, please contact our HR department. For any other questions, please feel free to contact me at cgrimm, and I’ll be happy to get you answers as I can!

All the best,

Charles C. Grimm

Assistant Professor of English

Georgia Highlands College

Email: cgrimm