Job: Full-time position at Oakton College

Hi all!

The English Department at Oakton College (Des Plaines, IL) is searching for a full-time faculty member, preferably with a background in Native American Literature, LatinX Literature, or Literature of the Americas.

Apply HERE:

Having been at Oakton for 10 years, I can say it’s a great place to work, with collegial and committed faculty and ample support for travel and professional development. Teaching loads are reasonable, with additional lecture hour equivalents (LHEs) allotted for writing courses. The campus (located in suburban Chicago) is lovely and the diverse student body is a pleasure to teach.

Please share the link with anyone who might be interested. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


Philip J. Sloan, Ph.D.

Professor of English & Writing Intensive Coordinator
Oakton College
Division of Liberal Arts
Des Plaines, IL 60016

STUDENTS: CLICK HERE to learn more about the Writing Intensive Concentration at Oakton.
FACULTY: CLICK HERE to learn how you can earn extra LHEs by teaching Writing Intensive course sections.
