Event: CFSHRC Events Wed. Night @ CCCC (4/3): All Are Welcome!

All Are Welcome to Attend Our CFSHRC Events at CCCC in Spokane!

An Abundant Coalition:
Intergenerational Conversations about the State of Feminist Rhetorical Work

Where: Spokane Convention Center, Room 202 A-C
When: Wednesday, April 3; 6:00-8:00pm

The Plan; Part 1
We invite all conference-goers to attend small-group discussions about the state of feminist rhetorical work. Discussions will be co-led by scholars occupying different generational moments within our field: senior scholars, mid-career, and emergent. The goal will be for all participants to share ideas and viewpoints across generational positionalities, talking and listening together about how participants are experiencing their place in the field in 2024. Questions to generate conversation are the following: What does it mean to be a feminist rhetorical scholar-teacher-administrator-activist right now? In what exciting directions do you see the field moving? Where do you identify opportunities, constraints, and concerns? After discussions, table leaders will share their conversation points with the larger group.

The Plan; Part 2
Part 2 will feature 45 minutes of semi-structured mentoring tables on topics such as feminist pedagogies for undergraduate research, composing a book manuscript, publishing in academic journals, and finding or maintaining a work-life balance, among other topics. Mentoring has been a key and vital component of the CFSHRC’s mission since its founding. At each Wednesday night event, we dedicate time to facilitated mentoring tables, offering junior and senior colleagues the chance to talk together. Ultimately, what we strive for this time to be a kind of lateral mentoring—guided in its structure, informal in its delivery, and reciprocal in its outcomes. The mentoring tables are open to anyone attending the CCCC each year and they often result in ongoing collaborations or relationships.

We hope to see you there!
Questions? Contact Jess Enoch: jenoch1