CFP: Extended: Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy (GICOIL) #CONF


The deadline for submitting a proposal to the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy (GICOIL) has been extended to March 8, 2024. Please consider joining us virtually for the conference, which this year is themed around Information Literacy in the Age of AI and will be hosting Anna Mills as our keynote speaker. The conference will be held virtually on April 19-20, 2024.

I’ve copied the CFP below. You may submit proposals or register through the following link:

The Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy (GICOIL) invites proposals for presentations at our upcoming virtual conference on the theme of "Information Literacy in the Age of AI." GICOIL is a peer-reviewed, international conference that brings together K-12 and higher education faculty and staff, including librarians, media professionals, and writing instructors, to share research and methods for teaching and learning information literacy.

With the release of OpenAI in 2022 and the subsequent proliferation of technologies using generative artificial intelligence (AI), we face new possibilities and challenges teaching students and publics to navigate and critically evaluate texts. Educators and librarians must understand the potentials and problems of AI in our work and communicate our vital importance in developing critical information literacy skills.

We invite proposals that speak to the theme of information literacy in the age of AI, including, but not limited to, teaching critical information literacy, ethical considerations in using AI in research and teaching, the role of AI in misinformation and disinformation, AI technologies for research, assessing student work, librarian-educator partnerships, challenges and possibilities for diversity and inclusion in the age of AI, and the importance of human librarians and instructors in information literacy.

Proposals for presentations, workshops, or poster sessions should be around 350 words and include a title, session goals, and intended audience.

Annie S. Mendenhall, PhD (she/her)
Associate Professor of English
Director of First-Year Writing
Co-Char, Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy (GICOIL)
Georgia Southern University – Armstrong Campus

