Job: Learning Center position opening at Amherst College

Hello, I’d like to share a position opening at the Strategic Learning Center at Amherst College, a new center co-located with our Writing Center. It’s a great opportunity to help build a new program within a collaborative environment:

Amherst College invites applications for the Assistant Director of the Strategic Learning Center position. The Assistant Director is responsible for collaboratively developing, administrating, and implementing the vision of Amherst College’s new Strategic Learning Center (SLC). The center provides academic support to all students who might benefit from individualized academic coaching in the areas of study strategies, including time management, organization, note-taking, reading, and test preparation. The Assistant Director will be highly knowledgeable of study skills and strategies, with an ability to facilitate workshops and academic coaching sessions tailored to the needs of a diverse student body. Experience with holistic student development/advising, growth mindset practices, and academic coaching/mentoring models is desired.

Read more and apply here:

Jessica Kem (she/her)

Director of the Writing Center, Amherst College
jkem | Hear my Name | (413) 542-2964 | Office: 222 Frost Library

The Writing Center has moved! We are now located in the Learning and Teaching Commons on the second floor of Frost Library.