Volunteer: AWAC’s Online Cross-Institutional Mentoring Program


Last week, the AWAC Mentoring Committee announced the launch of an online cross-institutional mentoring program for all professionals in writing and communication studies. The response has been great, with a wide variety of professionals signing up to participate. While we’re still accepting mentees, what we’re most in need of now is mentors. If you have three hours of time to participate during the summer months, I encourage you to sign up here. It’s a great way to network and foster inter-campus connections. Participants have their choice of focus areas, including but not limited to career development, program development, curriculum design, and research/publication.


Michele Zugnoni

AWAC Mentoring Committee

Michele N. Zugnoni, PhD (she, her, hers)
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Co-Director, Design Thinking and Communication
Searle Fellow 2023-2024
The Bobbie and Stanton Cook Family Writing Program
Northwestern University