CFP: Writing Studies and Community Writing Hive Mind: A poetic experiment

Writing Studies and Community Writing Hive Mind: A poetic experiment for summer 2024!

Let us honor, make visible, and or celebrate the rejections, failures to launch, and/or under-realized projects that crossed our fingers, keyboards, brains, desks, hearts, sleeps, and email accounts this academic year. . .

The website is seeking one page/ single image repurposed artifacts through summer 2025. (Up to three per author.)

To participate, please choose a short proposal or communicative task (pedagogical, administrative, or interpersonal) that *failed* this academic year.

Remake it into a poem or image. That is: Black out, cut up, repurpose, alter, art-i-fy or somehow recreate that failure into a *one page* artifact with new meaning. Submit your Word, PDF, or jpg/png file via messenger or to my institutional email (easily found with a web search).

Submissions accepted until August 1st. The submission/contact address for our summer project is: VACommunityWriting.

Contact Michelle LaFrance at mlafran2 with any questions about the project.