New: Narratives of Joy and Failure in Antiracist Assessment: Exploring Collaborative Writing

Hi Folks,

This has been a good week for new books. I’m pleased to share the news that another open-access book has been added to the WAC Clearinghouse ( This book appears in the Practices & Possibilities book series, which is edited by Aimee McClure, Kelly Ritter, Aleashia Walton, and Jagadish Paudel.

Narratives of Joy and Failure in Antiracist Assessment: Exploring Collaborative Writing

Edited by Asao B. Inoue and Kristin DeMint Bailey

When teachers with antiracist goals invite students to share in assessment practices, they open up possibilities to reflect on their own and their students’ politics and subjectivities. The contributors to Narratives of Joy and Failure in Antiracist Assessment share their reflections on their efforts to engage in this collaboration. The chapters in this edited collection consider three central questions: How might writing teachers and students account for their own intersectional embodied subjectivities in collaborative writing assessment practices? What roles do the politics of judgement play in assessment ecologies where students collaborate with the teacher? Broadly speaking, how might writing teachers and students with antiracist goals navigate the complexities and tensions that arise through collaborative writing assessment practices?

You can find the book at This book, like other books published by the Clearinghouse, will be available in a print edition from University Press of Colorado in the coming months. Thanks to Asao and Kristin for their work on the book and for their decision to share it with us as an open-access publication. Thanks as well to the anonymous peer reviewers who contributed to its development. All the best,


Mike Palmquist

Publisher, The WAC Clearinghouse

Professor of English

University Distinguished Teaching Scholar

Colorado State University

Email: Mike.Palmquist

“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.