CFP: Still Writing Together: Perspectives on Collaborative Scholarship in Rhetoric and Composition

CFP: Still Writing Together: Perspectives on Collaborative Scholarship in Rhetoric and Composition

Editors: Erica Cirillo-McCarthy, Celeste Del Russo, Amanda Fields, Beth Leahy

Proposals due June 15th, 2024 to stillwritingcfp

Full CFP available at

Thirty-five years ago, at a time when collaborative authorship was a radical endeavor in writing studies, Lisa Ede and Andrea Lunsford reflected on their reasons for writing together, describing collaborative writing as a subversive activity framed by feminism and social justice. While concepts of authorship, labor, and attribution have become more pliable in the past three decades, the past few years have positioned collaborative writing as a way to navigate an increasingly tenuous academic landscape. This edited collection responds to recent calls for further theorizing the practice and purposes of collaborative writing (Duffy 2021; Nordstrom 2021; Grayson 2022; Graziano et al. 2023).

Like Ede and Lunsford, we (the editors) write together to subvert, to support, and to thrive, and we share with them the position that collaborative writing is a feminist rhetorical practice (Royster and Kirsch), useful in transgressing what Sara Ahmed calls “institutional walls.” We are interested in what draws others in our field to this collaborative work as learners, writers, teachers, and researchers, and what are the complexities we contend with when choosing to collaborate? What conditions encourage others in our field to continue to do so, and what prevents or obstructs collaborative writing?

For this edited collection, we invite rhetoric and composition scholars to build upon theories and practices of collaborative writing: its purpose, potential, and ability to subvert power dynamics from multiple sites and contexts in the field of writing studies. We hope to build on the feminist work of Ede and Lunsford in order to: collect, gather, and share experiences and processes, examine our perceptions of the values and purpose of collaborative writing, and cultivate a space for research about collaborations as subversive activities.

To that end, we call for chapter proposals focused on collaborative writing. Possible topics include: collaborative writing processes; material dimensions of collaboration such as artifacts and technology use; administrative collaborations; collaboration as activism & subversion; collaborative theories; and relational aspects of collaboration such as mentorship. We will prioritize and especially welcome co-authored contributions.

See our full CFP here:

Tentative Timeline:

Chapter proposals due June 15th, 2024 (500-word abstract)

Notifications to proposers: August 15th, 2024

Chapter drafts due Jan 15th, 2025

Submission Process:

Please submit author information along with your 500-word chapter proposal to stillwritingcfp by June 15th, 2024.


Please reach out to stillwritingcfp if you have any questions.

Beth Leahy, PhD (she/her)

Director of the Writing and Communication Center

UC Foundation Associate Professor

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