CFP: CORRECTION –> Extended deadline for IWCA Fall Online Conference: Now JUNE 4, end of day

CORRECTION: The date has been updated.

Hi, everyone.

Our original deadline for submitting proposals for IWCA’s annual conference (online this year) was scheduled for Monday, but we’ve extended that deadline. The deadline is now Tuesday, June 4, end of the day, U.S. Eastern Time. If you’re not sure if the deadline has passed because you’re in a time zone outside of U.S. Eastern, just visit chris.ervin) if you don’t see the link.

Feel free to send any questions to me and I’ll reply ASAP.

Dr. Christopher Ervin (he/him/his)

Vice President | International Writing Centers Association

Assistant Director | Oregon State University Writing Center

Instructor | School for Writing, Literature, and Film

Oregon State University

The Valley Library, 2750B
