CFP: DRC Blog Carnival 22: Writing Centers & Digital Literacy

Our names are Saurabh Anand (Ph.D. student at the University of Georgia) and Sarah Fischer (Ph.D. Candidate from Indiana University). We are two 2023-24 Digital Rhetoric Collaborative (DRC) Graduate Fellows, and we are pleased to invite you to submit a proposal to "DRC Blog Carnival 22: Writing Centers & Digital Literacy."
DRC is a digital rhetoric-based resource housed in the Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan. We welcome blogpost ideas centering your experiences and reflections on the intersection of Digital Literacy and/or Multimodality with your writing center work.
Attached to this email is a PDF version of our call for blog posts. We would be truly grateful if you could consider submitting your proposal to our call or share it with someone who might be interested.
In case of any queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Sarah (samafisc) and me (saurabh.anand) via email.

Thank you.

Saurabh Anand(he/him), Ph.D. Student
English, Rhetoric and Composition, University of Georgia
Assistant Director: The Jill and Marvin Willis Center for Writing
Guest Researcher: Fachgebiets Sprachwissenschaft der TU Darmstadt

The University of Georgia is located on the Indigenous land of the Creek, also known as the Muscogee, and Cherokee, also known as the Keetoowah.

CFP -DRC Proposals.pdf