New: Issue 7.2 of Rhetoric of Health and Medicine Journal is Here!

Dear Colleagues,

The editing team at RHM Journal is thrilled to share that issue 7.2 is now available!

Co-editors Cathryn Molloy and Kim Hensley Owens write in their introduction titled “Weathering and Social Determinants of Health as Powerful Topoi in RHM” that “the existence of weathering and SDOH urges us to do more than simply argue that biomedical models of care could do epistemological damage.” The editors encourage scholars to continue to “mobilize work that operates at odds with the logics of biomedical monoliths and the toxic topoi that allow them to perpetuate the idea that what a person’s life looks like in terms of health and wellness is their own doing.”

This issue contains insightful articles addressing topics such as stigma in psychiatry, breastfeeding education, legal rhetoric, research methods and working with marginalized communities, and chronic illness narratives. Thanks to all the contributors: Davi Johnson Thornton; Jaclyn Wells; Mary Lay Schuster; McKinley Green, Val Crutcher, Océane Lune, Munira Mutmainna, Raquelle Lenoir, Andrew Schuster, Gage Urvina, and Calla Brown; and Martha Sue Karnes.

The full issue can be found at:

We also have a new interview out for special issue 7.1! Assistant Editor Amy Reed speaks with Dr. Ruby Mendoza, author of “Toward a Queer and (Trans)formative Methodology for Rhetoric of Health and Medicine: Institutional Critique.” Their conversation can be found here:

Don’t forget to also check our new Graphic RHM column here.

Happy reading!



Brittany Smart, Ph.D., she/her

Assistant Editor, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine

Indiana University School of Medicine
