Event: OWCA June Reading Club

Hello, everyone.

I’m writing to announce our next OWCA Reading Club event. Please read on for more information!

The Online Writing Center Association (OWCA) April Reading Club
Date & Time: June 19th @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST

The OWCA Reading Club occurs approximately every other month. Reading club provides a space to discuss writing center scholarship. Based on the articles or book chapters chosen, participants will share experiences, ideas, strategies, and questions about the texts and how they may relate to online writing centers (OWCs) and online writing tutoring.

In honor of Pride month, we’ll be reading a chapter from Travis Webster’s book Queerly Centered (2021). In the selected chapter, Webster discusses how writing center directors "use their writing center administration to do more than just offer student writing support… [including] mentoring, supporting, and consoling queer and nonqueer tutors, hosting queer-focused events, or holding space for sexual and mental-health support in their centers." A copy of the chapter will be available for registered participants.

This is an open event and you do not need to be an OWCA member to participate. The OWCA Reading Club is currently held in a Zoom Pro room. To ensure a safe space for open communication and interaction, these sessions will not be recorded.

Register at bit.ly/owcareadclub

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at events.

Bri Lafond (she/her)
PhD Candidate
Center for Writing Studies, English Department, Department of Gender & Women’s Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Donald and Barbara Smalley Graduate Research Fellow
Virtual Events Chair, Online Writing Centers Association