CFP: Last call to submit conference proposals for IWCA 2024 (Online)

Dear everyone interested in engaging in fabulous writing center conversations:

Conference proposals for this fall’s IWCA conference online are due tomorrow at the end of the day–that’s Tuesday, June 4 end of day Eastern Time. Because we’re hoping for global participation, I’ve built some flex time into that deadline since our proposal portal operates on U.S. eastern time. Please do aim for end of day on Tuesday.

If you have an IWCA account, visit , log in, and find "Available Proposals" on the right-hand side of the screen.

If you’re not an IWCA member, you can create a free account at the website linked above and then submit your proposal. It’s worth joining IWCA later if you are presenting at the conference, but you don’t have to make that decision until later.

A few questions I’ve fielded are:

1. Can we submit more than one proposal if we hope to participate in more than one session. Answer: Yes. We don’t have a limit on speaking roles at the conference like you’ll find at CCCC.

2. Do we need to count our literature cited in the word count for the full proposal? Answer: No. The form allows more than 300 words, but we ask for around 300 words because our proposal reviewers should be able to get what they need from 300 words. The form will not cut you off at 300 words if you go over because of literature cited.

Let me (chris.ervin) or conference chair Tingjia Wang (twang) know if you have questions.

Chris Ervin
Vice President, IWCA

Dr. Christopher Ervin (he/him/his)

Assistant Director | Oregon State University Writing Center

The Valley Library, 2750B
