CFP: Book Reviews at Composition Forum

Hello, all!

reviews . Below is an abbreviated list of books we are interested in publishing reviews of in future issues, though you can feel free to propose a book to the reviews co-editors (or feel free to email us for a complete list of potential books we have in mind for reviews).

  • TextGenEd: An Introduction to Teaching with Text Generation Technologies, Tim Laquintano, Carly Schnitzler, and Annette Vee
  • Grassroots Activisms: Public Rhetorics in Localized Contexts, edited by Lisa L. Phillips, Sarah Warren-Riley, and Julie Collins Bates
  • The New Work of Writing Across the Curriculum: Diversity and Inclusion, Collaborative Partnerships, and Faculty Development, Staci M. Perryman-Clark
  • Constellating Home: Trans and Queer Asian American Rhetorics, V. Jo Hsu
  • Social Mediations: Writing for Digital Public Spheres, Donna LeCourt
  • Civic Engagement in Global Contexts: International Education, Community Partnerships, and Higher Education, edited by Jim Bowman and Jennifer deWinter
  • CounterStories from the Writing Center, Wonderful Faison
  • Pluriversal Literacies: Tools for Perseverance and Livable Futures, Romeo Garcia, Ellen Cushman, and Damián Baca
  • Cultivating Critical Language Awareness in the Writing Classroom, by Shawna Shapiro
  • Desegregation State: College Writing Programs after the Civil Rights Movement, Annie S. Mendenhall
  • Teaching Writing through the Immigrant Story, edited by Heather Ostman, Howard Tinberg, and Danizete Martínez
  • Translingual Pedagogical Perspectives: Engaging Domestic and International Students in the Composition Classroom, edited by Julia E. Kiernan, Alanna Frost & Suzanne Blum Malley
  • Unlimited Players: The Intersections of Writing Center and Game Studies, edited by Holly Ryan and Stephanie Vie
  • Sensitive Rhetorics: Academic Freedom and Campus Activism, Kendall Gerdes
  • Multimodal Composing and Writing Transfer, edited by Kara Poe Alexander, Matthew Davis, Lilian W. Mina, and Ryan P. Shepherd
  • Making English Official: Writing and Resisting Local Language Policies, Katherine S. Flowers
  • Beyond Productivity: Embodied, Situated, and (Un)Balanced Faculty Writing Processes, Kim Hensley Owens and Derek Van Ittersum
  • Composition and Rhetoric in Contentious Times, Rachel McCabe and Jennifer Juszkiewicz
  • Digital Writing Technologies in Higher Education, Otto Kruse, Christian Rapp, Chris M. Anson, Kalliopi Benetos, Elena Cotos, Ann Devitt, and Antonette Shibani
  • Making Progress: Programmatic and Administrative Approaches for Multimodal Curricular Transformation, Logan Bearden