Nominate: Final reminder: IWCA Muriel Harris Outstanding Service Award nominations due 7/1

Good morning, everyone —

Just a reminder that if you plan to submit a nomination for the Muriel Harris Outstanding Service Award (MHOSA) this year, the deadline is less than two weeks away. We know there are many worthy candidates, but they can’t be considered if they aren’t nominated! Please consider taking a little time to nominate someone you believe deserves this recognition from their peers.

Call for Nominations

2024 Muriel Harris Outstanding Service Award

Named after its first recipient and given at every other International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) conference, the Muriel Harris Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding service that has benefited the international writing center community in significant and broad-based ways.

Nominations should be sent electronically to Michael Pemberton, Chair of the committee, at michaelp. They should be sent as a single PDF document with pages numbered, and should include the following materials:

· A letter of nomination that includes the name and institution of the nominee, your personal knowledge of or experience with the nominee’s service contributions to the writing center community, and your name, institutional affiliation, and email address.

· Detailed support documents (maximum of 5 pages). These may include excerpts from a curriculum vitae, workshop or published material, stories or anecdotes, or original work by the nominee.

· Other letters of support (optional but limited to 2)

All materials must be received by Michael Pemberton by July 1, 2024. The winner of the Award will be announced at the 2024 IWCA/NCPTW Conference, to be held virtually in October.

Read about the history of the MHOSA in Writing Lab Newsletter 34.7, pp. 6-7.

Dr. Michael A. Pemberton, Professor
Director, University Writing Center
Director, WPA Consultant-Evaluator Service
Associate Publisher for Journals, The WAC Clearinghouse

Department of English, P.O. Box 8026
Georgia Southern University