CFP: CCCC Fall Virtual Institute

Hi folks,

I want to encourage each of you to propose to the first ever CCCC Fall Virtual Institute. We have put together an institute that is grounded in the multiple knowledge-making practices that cut across rhetoric, composition, writing studies, and literacy education.

Our CFP provides a lot of the context and vision we have for the day’s events, but I wanted to highlight the information sessions that are coming up in a couple of weeks. Please put one of the following dates and times on your calendars:

  1. July 15, 2024 from 11am-12pm eastern
  2. July 16, 2024 from 10am-11am eastern

During these sessions, we will provide brief remarks, but mainly want to make ourselves available to answer any questions you may have. We will replicate content on both days so no need to attend both unless you want to hang out!

Please share the CFP on your socials and listservs. We encourage members across our profession to submit and come learn with us.

Take good care,

Timothy OleksiakAssociate Professor of English
Professional and New Media, Director
University of Massachusetts Boston

Pronouns: he, him, his
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