CFP: Second Language Writing Interest Section(SLWIS) Academic Session at TESOL 2025

Dear Colleagues,

The Second Language Writing Interest Section (SLWIS) at TESOL is organizing an academic session, Emotions in Teaching Writing: Conflicts, Strategies, and Perspectives, for TESOL 2025 (March 18–21, Long Beach, California). 250–300 word proposals are due on July 21, and we will send decisions by July 23.More information about the CFP can be read here. We welcome proposals related to the theme within the field of writing/composition—broadly defined.

The submission can be made via the following Microsoft Form:

Please feel welcome to contact me off-list at ajliu if you have any questions or would like to discuss ideas. We would also much appreciate it if you could forward this CFP to people who might be interested.

We look forward to receiving your submission to this important topic for our profession!

With very best wishes /顺颂时祺 即候夏安,


Regardless of the time I sent this email to you, there is no expectation for you to read or respond to my email outside of your normal working hours, during annual leave, or on days you are not contracted to work.

Andy Jiahao Liu (He/him/his)

Global Professor of English
International Foundations Writing Program

The University of Arizona

Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University Microcampus

Yangling, Shaanxi, China

Founding Co-Chair, Language Tester Mentoring Program | International Language Testing Association

Co-Chair, Test-Taker Insights in Language Assessment SIG | International Language Testing Association

Chair-Elect, Second Language Writing Interest Section | TESOL International Association

Co-Editor, Applied Linguistics Forum | TESOL International Association

Co-Editor, Preparing Students from the Academic World to Career Paths: A Comprehensive Guide

Copy Editor (Stellar), Language Learning & Technology

Email: ajliu