Job: Assistant Director, U of Michigan, English Department Writing Program

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to be hiring a new Assistant Director in the English Department Writing Program at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor! The Assistant Director will join our collaborative leadership team, focusing on creative writing pedagogy and teaching professional development.

I have served as the Associate Director for two years and have been very happy in my role. University of Michigan offers countless opportunities and resources, the writing program and department provide supportive colleagues, and Ann Arbor is an inclusive, community-oriented place great for raising a family.

Please share with anyone who might be interested. I am happy to answer questions.


Annika Konrad, PhD
Associate Director
English Department Writing Program

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

I am a person with low vision. Here are some ways you can help me access the sighted world:

  • Even if we have met, I may not recognize you, especially from a distance. When you see me, please say, “Hey, it’s [your name].” I want to say hello to you!
  • If you will be attending a meeting with me, please email me any visual materials (e.g. presentation slides, handouts, documents, etc.) so that I can access them on my own computer screen.
  • When you correspond with me via email, please choose a larger text size when possible.

Feel free to ask me questions about my vision and other ways you can help me (and others with disabilities) access the world. And remember—disability is insight.