Survey: Which book publishers have the most impact?

We are resending our email inviting your assessments of book publishers in rhetoric and writing studies before we close the survey. We’ve received responses noting related series at Ohio State and elsewhere and valuable references to related resources for those going up for promotion and tenure. If you have a few minutes, please share your experiences and observations on the three questions.

>>> Which book publishers have the most impact in writing, rhetoric, and related studies?

While impact has traditionally been assessed with citation counts, the growth of open-access publishing has given rise to other measures of influence such as the number of downloads. Such objective metrics do not provide adequate measures of the influence of books and book publishers. We would appreciate your sharing your assessment of which presses have the most influence by filling out this informal three-item survey. We will draw up a brief summary report with related research and advice for faculty who are considering this question, for example when they have to characterize the impact of their books in their promotion dossiers.

Thanks in advance for sharing your insights and experiences.

Professor Charles McMartin, Utah State University, Tooele, and Tom Miller, professor emeritus, University of Arizona