CFP: Call for Panelists: Join a GSOLE-Sponsored Panel at IWAC 2025!

The Affiliates Committee is now soliciting proposals from current GSOLE members who would like to take part in a GSOLE-sponsored panel at the 2025 International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference in Fort Collins, CO. Find more information about the IWAC Conference Here.

GSOLE’s sponsored panel will be guaranteed acceptance to the IWAC 2025 program. To be considered for inclusion on this panel, please complete this form with your contact information and a brief (150-word) description of your proposed contribution to the panel. We also welcome full panel proposals of 500 words, provided that all proposed panelists are GSOLE members.

IWAC submissions will be due in the fall; therefore, we request all GSOLE proposals by August 20th. Chosen participants will be notified before proposal submission to confirm.

Please contact affiliates with any questions. We look forward to reading your proposals!

More Information about the IWAC Conference here!

Complete the form here!