Hello Everyone,
I have a somewhat writing center-adjacent position to share. The Office of Culture, Community and Equity in the College of Engineering at University of Michigan is hiring for a Broader Impacts Grants Consultant.
Please see the job posting for more details, salary range, and two optional virtual information sessions I’m hosting in late July.
This work used to be part of my portfolio (and now I supervise this position). I’m sharing this posting on this list because I have worked at two different writing centers (Central Michigan University & Purdue University) as an undergraduate and graduate student, respectively, and at Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering Graduate Communications Center as a full-time staff member. I used many of the skills and techniques I learned in those roles in working with engineering faculty on developing grant proposals.
Please consider sharing widely with your students and colleagues, if applicable. I am the hiring manager for this position, so any questions can be directed to me at mmcamp or via messaging on LinkedIn.
Michelle Campbell, PhD (Hear my name) | She/Her/Hers Program Director | Culture, Grants and Advancement Office of Culture, Community and Equity Michigan Engineering OCCE | Michigan Engineering | People-First Engineering I am an Individual with Reporting Obligations (IRO). I am obligated to share with the Equity, Civil Rights & Title IX Office any information disclosed to me about possible sexual or gender-based misconduct. |