New: Center Moves issue 2 available!

Dear Fellow Administrators and Tutors,The Center Moves Editorial Team is thrilled to inform you that the second issue of Center Moves: A Peer-Reviewed Archive of Tutor Training Materials is live!

This issue centered on two tutor training topics: how to support tutors with linguistic justice mindfulness and with tutoring citation formatting. Please check out our three fantastic submissions!

We would also like to thank our reviewers for this issue, Lori Jacobson, College of William and Mary; Jack Kenigsberg, Hunter College; John Bradley, Vanderbilt University – john.bradley; and Erik Echols, University of Washington, Bothell.

Finally, I wish to personally thank Jamaica Ritcher, University of Idaho, for being one of the founding editors of Center Moves and the submissions editor for this second issue. All of us on the board are sad to have her step away from Center Moves and wish her well on her future endeavors. I highly recommend seeking out opportunities to work with her. She is a gem!


The Center Moves Editorial Board:
Erin Zimmerman
Lisa Bell
Juli Parrish
Jamaica Ritcher
Olivia Tracy