New: Teaching WAC with AI Website

I want to share a project I’ve been working on the past 9 weeks and ask you for some feedback. The project is Teaching WAC with AI: The site categorizes assignments and some additional resources that incorporate AI with writing instruction.

Inspiration? I wanted a way to find resources that I could use in the classroom quickly. I’m still adding content and working, but I’m at the point where I would love some feedback. I’ve set up a feedback Google form at Answer the questions if you have time.

If you want to contact me directly, you can use the Contact form on the website. If you want to suggest an assignment I can add, use the Suggest a Resource form.

Thanks for taking a look. I’m eager to hear what you think!

Traci Gardner

Instructor, Department of English
Virginia Tech
323 Shanks Hall (0112)
181 Turner St. NW
Blacksburg, VA 24061