New: How Do You Wrangle A Special Issue On AI? – Interview with Stephen Carradini

Hello Everyone,

I’m happy to share the release of a new video on More Than Memos! In this video I talk with Stephen Carradini about the special issue on the effects of AI on Technical Communication that came out this year in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication. We get into Stephen’s professional trajectory toward working on AI-related issues and then discuss how he worked through the editorial process on such a volatile area of research and public discourse. Even though we only have Part 1, it’s a great special issue. I hope this video gives some additional context to the ongoing conversation about AI.

Video Link:

Special thanks to Stephen for donating his time and energy for the interview. Also I want to give HUGE shout out to YoonJi Kim for editing the interview down into meaningful chunks without losing the humanity and heart at the center of it.

We have several videos ready to publish in the coming months! Please like, subscribe, and share our content to support the channel.



JBTC Special Issue: Part 1 (Full Issue):

Special Issue Introduction

Stephen Carradini

Can Artificial Intelligence Robots Write Effective Instructions?

Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Stuart A. Selber, Eric J. York

Exploring Artificial Intelligence Tool Use in a Nonprofit Workplace

Andrew Hillen

Using Generative AI to Facilitate Data Analysis and Visualization: A Case Study of Olympic Athletes

Emily Barrow DeJeu

Automating Research in Business and Technical Communication: Large Language Models as Qualitative Coders

Ryan M. Omizo

Preparing Future Technical Editors for an Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Workplace

Jennifer C. Mallette

Content Analysis, Construct Validity, and Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Technical and Professional Communication and Graduate Research Preparation

Stuart Deets, Caitlin Baulch, Alison Obright, Dan Card

Daniel Liddle, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of English

Western Kentucky University

Managing Producer

More Than Memos YouTube Channel