Job: Temporary FYW Instructors at West Chester University

Dear colleagues,

West Chester University of Pennsylvania is hiring several temporary instructors of first-year writing for Fall 2024, with the possibility of renewal for Spring 2025. This position may be of particular interest to folks in the greater Philadelphia or Wilmington, DE, areas; West Chester University is located about 45 minutes outside of Philadelphia.

More information about the position is available on the application site. Please note that all applications must be shared through that link. We will begin reviewing applications immediately and continue until the positions are filled.

I’m the search committee chair & FYW director, and I’m happy to answer questions about the position or working at West Chester via email (apatriarca). You can also find more information about our FYW program on our website.

Please share widely with your students and colleagues!

Ashley Patriarca

Dr. Ashley Patriarca (pronounced pay-tree-ark-uh)


Associate Professor, Department of English

Director, First-Year Writing

Main Hall 506

West Chester University