Volunteer: Composition Forum Seeking Reviewers

Composition Forum is seeking reviewers. If you would like to join (or remain) on our reviewer list, please complete this short form.

For those who don’t already know, Composition Forum is a journal for scholars and teachers interested in the investigation of composition theory and its relation to the teaching of writing at the post-secondary level. The journal features articles that explore the intersections of composition theory and pedagogy, including essays that examine specific pedagogical theories or that examine how theory could or should inform classroom practices, methodology, and research into multiple literacies.

Out of respect to our reviewers, we aim to assign no more than one article to each reviewer per year, and assigned articles will be in your area of expertise. Serving as a reviewer for Composition Forum is considered service to the profession, and we offer to provide reviewers with a letter documenting this service, which can be sent to your supervisor, department chair, dean, promotion and/or tenure committee, or anyone else requiring such documentation.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at editors.


Dr. Jackie Hoermann-Elliott

Director of First-Year Composition

Associate Professor of English

Texas Woman’s University

1315 N. Bell Avenue

Denton, TX 76204


Pronouns: she/ her