New: CWPA Publishes Cultural Assessment Report

Hello all,

I’m writing to share that CWPA has published the 2023 Cultural Assessment Report on our website.

The cultural assessment completed by the consulting firm One Eight CREATE (OEC) is part of our organization’s efforts to assess the culture of CWPA so that we can make purposeful changes toward becoming a more inclusive organization. During the fall of 2022, over 100 members participated in a survey about their experiences with the organization. During the spring and summer of 2023, OEC ran several listening sessions to gather additional information about people’s experiences with CWPA. Their 56-page Cultural Assessment Report summarizes their process and findings. The report offers four themes for CWPA to consider moving forward: Theme One: Belonging and Trust; Theme 2: Inclusion and Validation; Theme 3: Diversity of Identities and Experiences; and Theme 4: Equity and Implementation.

Between now and next March, CWPA members will be discussing the themes of the report. If you are a member of CWPA and would like information about these discussions, check out the August Update. In the spring, there will be opportunities for a public audience to discuss the report. We will share more information on these opportunities in the coming weeks.



Kelly Blewett, Ph.D.
President (2024-2025), Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA)