CFP: Call for Policies: AI and the Writing Center

Hello everyone!

My name is Alex, and I am writing to you on behalf of the Sweetland DRC. We are currently collecting responses about AI use and writing centers as part of a policy repository. Please see the CFP below, and feel free to circulate to any WC faculty, staff, or students who may be interested.

Call for Policies: AI and the Writing Center

If you work in a writing center and have seen how AI, writing center work, and changing policies related to AI in the academy intersect, we invite you to share your experiences with the Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Policy Repository. As higher education continues to grapple with AI across all levels, we seek to collect narratives from writing centers so that future practitioners may navigate these situations with greater ease.

What is the Sweetland DRC Syllabi Repository?

The Sweetland DRC Syllabi Repository is a public, crowd-sourced collection of syllabi, policies, and narratives submitted by our contributors. We see the repository as a source of diverse experiences, ways, and artifacts that may offer insights into AI policies and use. We hope these policies will function as mentoring texts for instructors designing or redesigning courses, offering inspiration as we think deeply about our work’s pedagogical and justice-oriented implications. You can view the existing repository here:

What are we looking for? Why are we looking for it?

As AI continues to transform higher education, future graduate students, faculty, instructors, and consultants will likely find themselves in novel situations involving AI-assisted writing. We are looking for narratives from writing center employees about your experiences navigating AI use and the constraints of the writing center as an institution in order to provide guidance for future practitioners. We are especially interested in the following narratives:

  • Consulting with AI-assisted undergraduate writing
  • Writing center and WAC workshops about AI involving faculty and instructors from non-writing departments
  • Using AI to work with ESL/multilingual students in the writing center
  • Experiences with institutional AI policies (or a lack thereof) and how they have impacted writing center work

We will compile the narratives submitted and compile an analysis of responses to be stored on the Sweetland DRC website. We encourage respondents to upload any relevant files, documents, or policies that may contain relevant information and can be used as examples for other instructors and consultants.

How to submit?

Please submit your narrative or writing center policies with this form:

[Submitting a response requires signing in through a Google account.]

What is the deadline to submit?

Please submit your entries by August 20, 2024.

Please reach out to me (mashnyal) or Alexandra Krasova (alexkrasova) with any questions, comments, or concerns you have.

Alex Mashny

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Pronouns: He/Him

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