Event: CPTSC Conference Schedule and Registration

Dear CPTSC Members and Conferencegoers,

On behalf of my fellow CPTSC Conference planners (Chris Morris and Mitch Ogden) and the CPTSC Executive Committee, I write with exciting updates for the 50th Anniversary Conference held October 18-19 in Menomonie, WI, at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. We appreciated your patience while we completed the review process, drafted the conference schedule, and finalized local accommodations. Please see below for updates and next steps.

Draft Conference Schedule
The draft conference schedule is now available on the Conference Website at the link below. Thank you to Chris Morris for synthesizing presentations into thematic panels. Please reach out to R.J. Lambert (lamberro) with corrections to the visual schedule or to withdraw if you plan not to attend this year’s conference. The full conference program and final schedule will be forthcoming in September.

Local Accommodations
Conference host Mitch Ogden has updated the Conference Website with helpful local accommodations for Menomonie, including discount hotel blocks and ground transportation. Please see the conference website for more:

Membership and Registration
Both organizational membership and conference registration are required to participate in the conference. Note that the process has changed slightly, and CPTSC membership must be purchased prior to registration. The Conference Website has been updated with the new membership and registration instructions:

In closing, we are sincerely excited about how the program has shaped up, and we hope to see you in a couple of months for our 50th Anniversary event!

R.J. Lambert, Christopher Morris, and Mitchell Ogden

2024 CPTSC Conference Planning Committee