New: Issue 29.1 of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy

Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy is pleased to announce the publication of our Fall 2024 issue, featuring exciting new webtexts, interviews, and reviews, and highlights from Computers & Writing 2024, including the winners of the annual Kairos Awards:

Issue 29.1 features a new Topoi webtext, “Wikipedia as Editorial Microcosm: Stalled Wikipedia Articles and the Teaching of Applied Comprehensive Editing” by Joshua DiCaglio, Gwendolyn Inocencio, Jessie Cortez, Hannah Mailhos, and Connor Hearron. It seeks to lower the barriers-to-entry for using Wikipedia in advanced editing courses by providing an extensive overview and documentation for both instructors and students.

This issue also features two PraxisWiki webtexts. In “Responding to Cultural Crises through Social Media Research and Student-Faculty Collaboration,” Sarah Riddick and her students Stephanie Tam, Emily Stead, Nathaniel Shimkus, Drew Mulcare, Ngoga Julien Vainqueur Mugabo, Jorgo Gushi, Nathaniel Gamboa, Tian Yu Fan, Charles Dursin, and Ryan Crowley explore faculty and student collaboration in teaching social media research methodologies in a writing course. In “Transforming Writing Rubrics: Assessment and Reflection in Process-Based Courses,” Elkie Burnside shares how she collaboratively developed assessment rubrics with emerging writers in a process-based writing course.

This issue also contains a new interview: Erin Shaefer and Mark Chen’s "Care-Based Pedagogies During the Pandemic: Letters, Meditations, and Reflections," a Twine-based webtext that discusses the Shaefer’s and Chen’s experiences with care-based pedagogies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Finally, we have two new reviews! Sarah Faye, Joe Schicke, and Jacob Weston present a podcast review of Ellen C. Carillo’s The Hidden Inequities of Labor-Based Contract Grading, and Trent Wintermeier reviews the digital tool AVAnnotate, an annotation tool designed to help authors create exhibits out of annotated audio artifacts.

Finally, Kairos is also hiring! We’re looking for two co-editors for our Inventio section, which you can read about in our job ad. We are so excited to welcome some new folks to the Kairos team!

We hope you’ll check out the full issue!