Survey: Research Survey and Compensated Interview Opportunity for Writing Center Professionals

Hello WAC-L community,

My name is Chloe Crull, and I am a doctoral student studying Writing, Rhetoric ,and Composition Studies at the University of California, Davis. I am conducting an IRB-approved research study that investigates how writing centers contribute to shaping the culture of writing on campuses, the strategies they use to build relationships with other departments, and how generative AI tools are influencing writing instruction and support.

I am seeking Writing Center professionals willing to complete a ~10-minute survey via Qualtrics. After completing the survey, you will also be asked to participate in an optional follow-up ~40-minute interview.

Individuals who complete both the survey and the optional follow-up interview will receive a $20.00 gift card for their participation, which will be sent within ~4 weeks after the interview via email in appreciation for your time.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this information and consider participating in the research study. Please email me at cvcrull or my advisors (Tricia Serviss pcserviss or Dan Melzer (dlmelzer) if you have any questions.

Much appreciation and many thanks,
