Event: Reminder: Let’s Talk about Life After Retirement: Conversations with Senior, Late Career and Retired Sc holars in Rhetoric and Writing Studies

Join us for upcoming conversations on ways rhetoric and writing studies scholars are making a transition from full-time academic work to meaningful post-retirement engagement with their communities!

The CCCC Standing Group for Senior, Late Career, and Retired Scholars in Rhetoric and Writing Studies (SGSLR) is hosting a series of zoom-enabled conversations throughout the 2024-25 academic year, in advance of our anticipated SGSLR sponsored session “Much to Love; Much to Loathe: Navigating Professional and Personal Transitions in Digital Environments” at CCCC 2025 in Baltimore.

Enthusiasm is Contagious! The Joys of Developing and Leading Community Writing Workshops in Retirement.

Our September 2024 conversations will focus on Leading Community Writing Workshops and will feature these colleagues’ projects:

Libby Falk Jones’ work with older women writers

Duane Roen’s workshops for incarcerated writers, and

Kathleen Shine Cain’s writing workshops in Wakefield, MA and Donegal.

Each presenter will share their story about why and how they got involved in leading these writing workshops, the role these workshops have played in their transition from full-time academic work to retirement, life lessons they have learned from the writing workshop, and tips for fellow retirees and others who are transitioning away from full-time academic careers and interested in leading community writing workshops.

Our conversation sessions will include opportunities for further discussion on these topics among all attendees. Two times are available for our September 2024 conversations: Sign up for one or both!

Sign-up to Participate: Monday, Sept 16 4:00 pm Pacific/ 7:00 pm Eastern time

Sign-up to Participate: Wednesday, Sept 18, 1:00 pm Pacific/ 4:00 pm Eastern time.

Questions? Email me at shirley.rose


Shirley Rose, on behalf of the SGSLR Leaders Group: Kathleen Cain Shine, Cinthia Gannet, and Shirley Rose

Shirley Rose

Emeritus Professor of English

Department of English

Arizona State University

PO Box 871401

Tempe AZ 85287-1401



Pronouns: she/her