Apply: Teach with Wikipedia in Fall 2024!

"The Wikipedia assignment is the coolest thing I’ve done in 10 years of teaching." -Eric Guisbert, biochemistry, University of Nebraska Omaha

"This assignment is the most transformative assignment ever." -Delia Steverson, English, University of Alabama

"The Wikipedia assignment trainings are a lifesaver. The students become very self-sufficient very quickly – it’s really quite powerful to watch!" -June Pilcher, psychology, Clemson University

This fall, see what the buzz for teaching with Wikipedia is all about! There’s still time to incorporate a Wikipedia assignment into your fall courses with the free support of Wiki Education – applications are due this Sunday, September 8.

What’s it really like to teach with Wikipedia? Explore how the University of Washington’s Gretchen Sneegas teaches with the Wikipedia assignment – read her article.

Ready to apply? To apply, visit the dashboard to create your Wikipedia account, take the self-paced orientation and create your course page (you can always make changes later).

Questions, or need a deadline extension? Please reach out!


Helaine Blumenthal, PhD

Wiki Education

Helaine Blumenthal,Ph.D. (she/her)
Senior Program Manager
Wiki Educationhelaine
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