New: 22nd Blog Carnival of Digital Rhetoric

My name is Saurabh Anand. I am an assistant director of the Willis Center of Writing and a doctoral student in Rhetoric and Composition Studies at the University of Georgia.

I and my co-editor, Sarah Frischer, a PhD Candidate of Rhetoric and Composition Studies at Indiana University, are pleased to share the publication of the 22nd Blog Carnival of Digital Rhetoric Collaborative housed in Gayle Morris Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan. It can be accessed here.

The title of this issue is Digital Literacy, Multimodality, and the Writing Center, and we feature the following wonderful writing center folks:

  • Tom Deans, University of Connecticut.
  • Cristal Gamez, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
  • Genie Giaimo, Hofstra University.
  • Elisabeth H. Buck, Fordham University.
  • Isabella Buck, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • Bri Lafond, Millikin University.
  • Thais Rodrigues Cons, Universoty of Arizona.

We invite feedback and ideas you may have to support these voices.


Saurabh Anand(he/him), Ph.D. Student
English, Rhetoric and Composition, University of Georgia
Assistant Director: The Jill and Marvin Willis Center for Writing
Guest Researcher: Fachgebiets Sprachwissenschaft der TU Darmstadt

The University of Georgia is located on the Indigenous land of the Creek, also known as the Muscogee, and Cherokee, also known as the Keetoowah.