New: Video mini-lessons on college reading

Hello everyone!

I am delighted to share two new OER video mini-lessons about college reading. Like my previous work, the videos are scripted with carefully edited narration, music, and visuals/animations. If you enjoyed/used my past videos, these are very similar, but with a female voiceover. They are narrated by my eminently capable colleague, Danielle Aquiline.

Click the links below to access the videos:

  • Reading for College, Part 1: Provides a "big picture" introduction to reading at the college-level. Challenges widely-held misconceptions, emphasizing purposeful reading and practice.

Each video is around 7 minutes in length. Our aim was to make reading more accessible and manageable, especially for struggling/dejected students.

And if you like these videos, be sure to also check out/utilize my 3-part video series on The Writing Process:

How can I use these videos?

  • Include them in your online/hybrid course shells (I suggest spreading them out over a few weeks, rather than linking to everything at once)
  • Play them live in a F2F classes to accompany a lesson about reading/writing strategies or to generate a discussion
  • Use them as a prompt for an online discussion post

I hope the videos prove to be useful teaching tools. Thanks and have a great semester!


Philip J. Sloan, Ph.D.Professor of English
Oakton College
Division of Liberal Arts
Des Plaines, IL 60016