CFP: Interviews for Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy

Kairos, a refereed online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy, is actively seeking interviews of emerging and existing voices in the field. In particular, we seek interviews that hold to our namesake and are kairotic in nature. Additionally, we encourage submissions from beginning or emerging scholars whose work is broadly related to rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy.

Initial query emails should be sent to the Interview Co-Editors Brandy Dieterle and Monica Jacobe at kairosinterviews. In the body of the email, the query should

  • Be 250-300 words,

  • Provide a brief explanation of the topics the interview intends to address,

  • Include a rationale of the significance, and

  • Describe your initial ideas regarding the webtext’s design and/or structure.

Please also include in the body of the email a short bio of the interviewee(s), and the interviewer(s) and interviewee(s) names, current titles, and affiliations.

We want to encourage interviewers and interviewees to remember that Kairos interviews are innovative in form as well as content, and we promote alternative modes of scholarly interviews, such as video or audio. In addition to dialogue that is significant in the field, interviewers should think about the composition of a multimodal presentation including original filmed material with other audio, video, and still imagery elements to create a compelling and intriguing interview. When considering multimodal elements to include, please consult Kairos’s copyright policies, style guide, and technical specifications. For audio interviews, interviewers/interviewees are encouraged to compose podcast-style interviews that juxtapose ideas, positions, and conversations in ways that hold to the mission of Kairos. All media-based interviews require written transcripts for accessibility purposes.

We are also seeking interviews that align with Kairos’s renewed attention to diversity and inclusion, including but not limited to interviews that address how the following intersects with rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy:

  • BIPOC and other underrepresented scholars (e.g., emerging scholars, women scholars, LGBTQIA+ scholars, scholars with disabilities, scholars who work in languages other than/in addition to English)

  • Linguistic in/justice

  • Anti-racist institutional and/or pedagogical practices

  • Constructs and sites of power/disenfranchisement

  • Fake news/misinformation in media

Brandy Dieterle