Volunteer: First Year Composition Archive Advisory Board

Dear Colleagues,

We hope this email finds you well.

We are reaching out to invite dedicated individuals like you to join the Advisory Board for the First Year Composition Archive (FYCA). Your unique insights would be invaluable as we strive to enhance our collection and broaden our impact.

As a member of our Advisory Board, you will:

· Cultivate a growing collection of syllabi and assignments from composition and rhetoric faculty from around the country.

· Provide strategic guidance and feedback on key initiatives designed to grow the Archive.

· Collaborate with a diverse group of professionals to foster a connected community.

· Make a meaningful contribution to our mission to streamline information sharing in our field.

Request: While we’d welcome any interest in our project, we have a need for a social media manager, someone who can help us grow our limited social media presence to promote the FYCA. This person would curate a list of resources (listservs and social media sites) used to contact instructors regularly and would develop a timeline for routine and targeted communications to promote the FYCA.

Time Commitment: The expected time commitment is approximately 3 hours per month, which includes monthly meetings and occasional participation in the submission review process. Your expertise can significantly influence our efforts and drive our success.

If you are interested in volunteering for the FYCA Advisory Board or would like more information on this service opportunity, please contact the Archive coordinators at FYCArchive by Monday, September 30th.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference. We look forward to potentially working with you.

Warm regards,

FYCA Advisory Board

Anthony Edgington, University of Toledo

Dawn M. Formo, California State University, San Marcos

Kimberly Robinson Neary, Los Angeles City College


Anthony Edgington (he/him/his)

Associate Professor

Director of the Composition Program

Treasurer, College English Association of Ohio