Event: CPTSC’s Virtual Editors Roundtable—Save the Date! September 23rd

Dear Colleagues,

Building on last year’s successful virtual preconference, I am pleased to announce that Christopher Morris has coordinated and will host CPTSC’s second annual virtual Editors Roundtable in exactly one month, on Monday, September 23, from 12-1:15 Eastern.

Direct Zoom link: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/4811710627

The goal of the Editors Roundtable is to provide emerging and established scholars with useful information that can enhance the field’s writing, research, and editorial processes. Hosted on behalf of the CPTSC Executive Committee, the Roundtable will span 60-75 minutes during which editors will have an opportunity to discuss their journal’s scope, recent scholarship, and unique contributions to the field. Each editor will speak for 5-8 minutes, followed by a brief Q+A period.

Invited Journals and Publishers Include:

Kristine Blair Computers and Composition

Tracy Bridgeford Technical Communication Quarterly

Lucía Durá Technical Communication and Social Justice

Jordan Frith Communication Design Quarterly

Amber Lancaster Communication Design Quarterly

Jo Mackiewicz Journal of Business and Technical Communication

Lisa Melonçon TPC Book Series for the WAC Clearinghouse

Charles Sides Journal of Technical Writing & Communication

Robyn Walker Business and Professional Communication Quarterly

Miriam Williams Technical Communication

Russell Kirkscey Programmatic Perspectives
Rhonda Stanton Programmatic Perspectives

Please reach out to me or Christopher Morris with questions. I will attempt to attach a calendar invite to the listserv, but if it doesn’t go through, you can contact me to have it shared directly.

We hope to see you September 23!

R.J. Lambert

CPTSC Conference Planning Committee